Now I have to say at the start of what I see, now that I
have finished writing, has turned out to be a bit of a rant, that when I was a teenager, George
Reid was one of my political heroes.
As one of the 7 and then 11 MPs in the SNP’s breakthrough in
the two 1974 elections he was in the vanguard for Independence, which many of
my generation believed was just round the corner.
A generation and a half later in 1999 I was delighted when
he was elected to the newly formed Scottish Parliament. And my delight was
doubled in 2003 when he was appointed as the Presiding Officer of that body.
And superbly well he performed in that role. Always fair. And honourable if
that word must be used.
But my feelings this morning when I woke up to discover that
he should now be addressed as “Sir” George Reid were altogether different.
I have no problems with an “honours” system to reward
publicly those who have contributed to the fabric of our society. I’m sure most
countries have one: a modern one.
But the whole concept of an honours system based on some 19th
century long since defunct Imperial power quite frankly leaves me cold.
“Knights Bachelor – Knighthood”, “Knights Commander of the
Order of the Bath”, “Companions of the Order of the Bath”, “Knights Grand Cross
of the Order of the British Empire”....I gave up reading the list at that point
in abject disgust.
Apart from a few scattered islands of value simply as bases
for our American “allies” in their never ending quest to impose their warped
idea of democracy on the rest of the planet there simply ISN’T a British Empire
any more. The days that half the globe were coloured pink are long gone!
And even if there was, what on earth is an SNP politician
accepting an honour as part of it? Our whole ethos as an Independence movement
is surely to break away from the outmoded 19th century London-centric
United Kingdom and all its accompanying layers of patronage and hat tipping
There has never been an SNP member of the House of Lords for
this reason, and indeed rumour has it Donald Stewart turned down such an offer
on more than one occasion being a man of some consistent principle.
When you boil it down to the basics what on earth is the
I mean no personal disrespect to George Reid. As I have said
he inspired me and many of my generation to commit ourselves to the
Independence cause; a cause that two years away from the 2014 referendum looks
like coming to fruition at last.
But to accept this “honour” is to disrespect me and many, if
not most, supporters of the Independence cause, striving as we are for a
Scotland fit for the 21st century – a beacon of social democratic,
green or socialist (depending on your view point) egalitarianism in a world crying
out for such models.
Ex- SSP MSP Rosie Kane put it better than I could ever hope
to do this morning when she tweeted:
“The only title I would accept is citizen, and I’d be taking
it no being given it”.